Over the mountain and under the sea...From the center to the edges, shout it from the ledges: LoveLoveLove. I am never alone.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 6 of Advent Action

I have said "yes" to the heart journey.

Now I must pay attention as I prepare for it. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 5 of Advent Action

Today, I took back a pair of jeans which didn't fit.  To be specific, I had quickly grabbed the right waist size, wrong length.  The store was in the mall and despise the mall above all other locations on this earth.  Except for the view of Ashland KY from I-64 and Eastman Chemicals from I-26).  Anyways, said jeans proceeded to sit in my trunk for weeks because I was so mad at myself for wasting a trip to Hel--- the MALL.  I meant mall.

So, today, I finally took them back, grabbed the correct pair and exchanged them. 

Imagine my surprise when I got home and realized they were ALSO the wrong length. 


I am the WORST shopper.  And I like that about me. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 4 of Advent Action

On this 4th day of Advent Action, I took 4 huge bags of stuff to Goodwill.  I have been cleaning out the closets, picking up the piles in the basement, sorting the stacks.  To say it is liberating to purge all the unnecessaries is an understatement. 

Though my tendencies would never provide enough shock and awe to make show material, I consider myself a bit of a hoarder.  I hang on to all the memories - every photo, every note, every Christmas card, every missized piece of clothing (because, you never know if I will need it again!).  The example of a new friend has shown me that releasing things and preventing attachment can lead to simplicity and freedom! 

Though it is difficult for me, I have been letting go of those old letters and the energy they hold - even my 20 year old collection of mix tapes ended up in the trash (who would ever want them?).  For me, they represented previous chapters and as I strongly desire to begin again, I want to feel unfettered and light, instead of cluttered and bogged down.  Already, my home feels more open.

So, I dropped a bunch of clothes mostly off at Goodwill and left them with a prayer that someone might find what they need in those plastic bags. 

As an added bonus, this little popsicle-sharer got to come with me.  He is full of life and joy.  If we are open to receive and clear, both of these are contagious.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 3 of Advent Action

Today, I downloaded all the pictures onto my computer from my iPhone.  If you know me, you know what a large task this is.

Checkin' off the to-do list feels pretty good. 

Day 2 of Advent Action

I fixed dinner.  A real one.  It was edible. 


Monday, December 2, 2013

What to do in the Darkness

What to do in the Darkness

Go slowly
Consent to it
But don't wallow in it
Know it as a place of germination
And growth
Remember the light
Take an outstretched hand if you find one
Exercise unused senses
Find the path by walking it
Practice trust
Watch for dawn.

- Marilyn Chandler McEntyre

Day 1 of Advent Action

Day 1 of Advent Action:  I am creating a new blog on which to record my work, my creation and re-creation.  It doesn't matter that I have 5+ more active blogs.  They are all meaningful and contain the stories of previous chapters.  I do not abandon them and their work.  As one who has always kept a journal, until the digital age, I choose to make this my new journal, for the new chapter.   It's my new Yellow Notebook, my leatherbound/leather-tied record of the days.

And, most importantly, I will not live in fear of letting you read this journal.

The eagle she leads me. 

Click here for my inspiration: Post

Day 1 of Advent Action: I am creating a new blog on which to record my work, my creation and re-creation. It doesn't matter that I have 5+ more active blogs. They are all meaningful and contain the stories of previous chapters. I do not abandon them and their work. As one who has always kept a journal, until the digital age, I choose to make this my new journal, for the new chapter. It's my new Yellow Notebook, my leatherbound/leather-tied record of the days. And, most importantly, I will not live in fear of letting you read this journal.

 The eagle she leads me.